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The best supporting actor of Golden Horse Award
With his idol, Charlie Chaplin
(photo by Cosmic Light) |
‘@‘@Uncle Sun began to perform the stage drama at 19 years old and other types of show business such as movies and TV shows on. He often played the role of scoundrel, which let him win the best supporting actor of Golden Horse Award.
Become the comedy authority
‘@‘@Since performing with Yan Zhang Xiao in the variety show, he changed to become a comic star. Thereafter he started to host TV programs. His comedian's role planted in the hearts of audiences deeply. Recording a music album with Tao Da Wei in 1981 made his feeler of performing art extend more outwards.
Look for roles in one's own life
As a comedian
(photo by TTV) |
‘@‘@Show business made him become famous, and he had made a lot of money too. He had made the records of 200 plays for two years, but it made him think that he was no different with the machine. He has been asking himself all the time in heart:' Is this the life I want? Is this the one that I want to be? '
Receive baptism for the Christian
‘@‘@He received baptism for the Christian in 1981, and this has changed his life. He started to participate in the public activity as well, and he realized truth , good and beauty- ' While caring about one's own, it's time love others too.
Full-time good will volunteer
As No Smoking Advocate
for John Tung Foundation
(photo by John Tung Foundation) |
‘@‘@The participation experience of the first public activity was so wonderful, which let uncle Sun comprehended that the happiness was to help people and have opportunity of doing good deed. He finished the performing art career for 40 years in 1989, and he put into the public good with all strength.
Rewrite the life poem
‘@‘@Under the moving and inspiring of church doctrine, uncle Sun wishes himself to spend remaining years for God. So now Yue Sun donates blood, against second hand smoke, and teaches people respect life. He had changed his life for good. |