Uncle Sun made many successful charity commercials for the minority and the socially inferiors. Aunty Wang Nian Ci is the woman behind the scenes. She is a director and she is very good at promoting ideas and activities. Whe she saw many groups who did not know how to make their needs known to the public, she decided to put together her brilliant ideas and the talents of Uncle Sun. She said that she likes to help welfare organizations to promote their thoughts. She has had cooperated with uncle Sun for over 16 years. Work together
Ms. Wang Nian Ci
Many years ago, there was a coffee company which wanted uncle Sun to participate in their commercial. But uncle Sun refused to be the spokesman until the coffee company promise to donate 15% of the profit to disabled people. Auntie Wang happened to be this commercial’s director. The birth of welfare commercial
Both uncle Sun and auntie Wang felt it possible to remind audiences to care about their society through the power of media. Therefore, in their commercials uncle Sun advocated people to refuse second hand cigarettes. Also he suggested everyone to be a happy blood donator. This was the birth of welfare commercial, and it sure had good feedback from the publics. Uncle Sun’s welfare commercials
With Ms. Wang Nian Ci
◎1984 ?Be a happy donator!
◎1990 ?It’s happy to help others.
◎1990 ?It is dark. Call your family. Let your family know where you are.
◎1992 ?Let children understand how to say no to cigarettes.
◎1993 ?Huger 30 for children.
◎1996 ?Pay gratitude to people who devote themselves in environmental works.
◎1996 ?Cancer patients’? hospice benefits both the patients and their families.
◎1998? It’s dark. Don’t make your family worry, go home.