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¡@¡@We are students in Lishan Junior High School, and we like to go shopping with our families on holiday, after school, or at any leisure moment. Although we are students, we are quite calculating. Since we have noticed that there are many promotions in RT Mart, we decided to choose RT Mart as our project theme.
¡@¡@After deciding the theme of this project, we also interviewed relevant people, such as employees in RT, the spokesperson, Ms. Mo-cheng He, the manager of fresh food division, and Ms. Cheng Chi in Million Walkers that RT Mart sponsors. These interview experiences enabled shoppers like us to know something that ordinary consumers do not know. For example, we start to understand the differences between private brand FP and RT. It never occurred to us that there are differences among these private brand products. And we also learned that no fresh food in RT can be stayed overnight and it will be discarded if it is not sold.
¡@¡@Our researches in RT Mart revealed more things about RT Mart that we did not know before, and let us know more about RT Mart. For example, with the special restaurants, stores, and food court on the first floor, customers not only can shop for life necessities but also take a walk around. Among those stores, the most special one is the convenience store, which offers customers merchandise in small amount while the warehouse up there offers merchandise in large amount. Besides, there is also a post office inside RT Mart Neihu Second Store and its operating hours are longer than the post offices outside, which allows people who are busy at day have another choice to send letters or packages and will not be troubled by the operating hours of general post offices.
¡@¡@After experiencing the interviews and webpage production of this project, we have learnt more about RT Mart, which also makes us student shoppers in Lishan Junior High School love shopping more. |