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Chu Yun, a radio host
(photo by Chu Yun)

¡@¡@Uncle Sun wrote two books to show his love to this society. He used to read his article on one radio show, Uncle Sun Talks to You. When we interviewed with the co-host, Chu Yun, from this show, he told us that Uncle Sun devoted himself to welfare career without expecting any reward. He always use his warm tone to broadcast his words to people in need. His love to people is very generous, and he would like to help as many people as he could through his article. That¡¦s the real love and it truly helped many people.

Uncle Sun's Books:

Memorable words Uncle Sun
Caring too much about the opinions of others is demeaning oneself.

There is a fable about a cat who heard people say that if you want people to praise you, you should grab your tail. The cat tried and always faild. Later, the cat found that if he walk proudly, the tail would follow him. So be your self, and left praise and criticism behind.

I decide to take responsible of everthing I do. I realized that I can not expect to do everything. It was not until I was 48 years old did I realize that and I make only two movies a year from then on.

These years, I have grown older and have more experiences. and I feel the importance of my family life. I treasure my family and my marriage.

Every person has a handcap of oneself. Some are physically and, some are mentally. Mentally handicapped is more serious, therefore, we need to try everything to overcome it .

What would you want your life be? What are you after? Power? Wealth?Real Estate?Or respect?Whichever it is, keep it always in mind. Work hard and be patient, you would surely walk toward success.

I accidentally heard "Donate a bag, save a life" and realized that we don't neccessarily have to do something great to help the society. Extend a hand,and donate a bag of blood is a practical and easy way to demonstrate our love to the society. People may not know about you, yeet your blood is keeping someone going in life. That's something!
Xi-Hu Elementary School