Let' Talk in English |
Le's Talk in English is for the beginners
¡@¡@When Taiwan was still an agricultural society in the 60s, Dr. Doris Brougham felt the urge to elevate Taiwan young people¡¦s English Competence. In order to improve readers¡¦ conversation ability, she published, ¡§Let¡¦s talk in English¡¨. In 2000, Let's Talk in English began a television broadcast in partnership with Taiwan's Public Television Station (PTS). Among the three magazines issued by ORTV, ¡§Let¡¦s Talk in English¡¨ is suitable for average people and early learners., All students in HuaXing elementary school, for example, subscribe ¡§Let¡¦s talk in English¡¨ as a supplementary material.
Recommended by Information Office as good supplentary material for junior high students
¡@¡@Currently, ¡§Let¡¦s Talk in English¡¨ is not only the most popular English teaching magazine in Taiwan, but also well-accepted in Beijing and Shanghai. ¡§Let¡¦s Talk in English¡¨ triumphed over many similar magazines, and is recommended by the Government Information Office as English material in Taiwan's junior high schools. Today, Let's Talk in English remains the best tool for learning everyday English.
¡@¡@Studio Classroom publishes three monthly magazines: ¡§Let's Talk in English¡¨, ¡§Studio Classroom¡¨ and ¡§Advanced¡¨ and each magazine aims to provide articles to help readers improve their English skills in a fun and interesting mood.
MP3 Super CD |
¡@¡@The radio programs are also available on MP3 and on the Internet. They are helpful for readers to enhance their English ability. They also hope readers will be able to connect to the world and walk into the bright future through the help of these magazines.
~The Award Winning Records~
¡¹In 1996, 2001, 2004, 2005, ¡§Let¡¦s talk in English¡¨ was recommended by the Government Information Office as superior Supplementary Reader (magazine) for elementary and junior high school students.
¡¹In 2005, ¡§Let¡¦s talk in English¡¨ monthly CD-ROM won a silver medal for Best Digital Publication Award.