English Education Doris’ Devotion Doris’ Classroom Interviews HuaXing The Team
A Let’s talk in English
B Studio Classroom
C Advanced
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  「New Year's Resolutions 新年新希望,實踐非夢事」This sentence is written on the website of Studio Classroom, At New Year's, people say, "Out with the old, in with the new!" They want to forget last year and get a fresh start this year. To do so, many people make New Year's resolutions, but they often have trouble keeping them. I didn’t get the meaning of some phases within, after I looked into the dictionary, I finally got its meaning.。

  How many people have the habit like us to read studio classroom magazine or listen to it on the web? According to our study on 6th graders, the answer is 100%. What is the reason for students in HuaXing having this kind of habit? It is a long tradition for our elementary students reading “Let’s talk in English”, and “Studio Classroom” for high school students. Under the direction and urge of teachers, we are so lucky to have the habit of reading English magazines from a young age.

  During the interview, we are surprised to find that each article in these three magazines published by ORTV will be checked over by the 82-year-old Dr. Brougham. We will be presenting these three magazines which had the circulation of more than 590 thousand copes each month.

By Hua Xing kids  hsyea@tp.edu.tw